I'm a senior CG/3D artist. Working as project manager and creative director. But I'm also a freelance graphic designer.
Started my career at Edithouse Film Works back in 2003 as a CG artist/generalist. Worked on a lot of films and animations. From VFX work, 3D animation to motion graphics and editing. Going on set as VFX supervisor amongst other things.  
Back in 2014, I started at Industriromantik as a Creative Producer. Creating photo-realistic visuals for a wide range of products. Both animation and stills amongst interactive solutions.
Check out industriromantik.se for more.
I have years of experience working with a variety of applications. 3D software, compositing, graphic applications, editing softwares and so on.
Here are a few:
- Maya
- Modo
- Cinema4D
- Vray
- Nuke
- After effects
- Premiere
- Resolve
- Illustrator
- InDesign
- Photoshop
...and so on.

Lately started a bit with both Unreal and Houdini as well. Mostly as a creative director and project manager.
If you are looking for CG visualisation or 3D work feel free to reach out. Will take on these type of projects at Industriromantik. 
But if you're looking for a graphic designer I'm also interested and happy to help from my Wesa.tv side. 
Thank you!
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